Renee Williams Group is dedicated to becoming the premier exit strategy partner for seasoned women business owners in the real estate industry.
Ask yourself:
1) Do I have a solid grip on my operations, business finances and personal finances?
2) Do I have an EXIT STRATEGY for my business?
3) Do I have enough passive income to work because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to?
Our Purpose
Real estate business owners you've worked hard for years, and you are at the heart of everything we do at RWG. Many of our clients are dealing with aging parents, empty nests, college tuition, adult children, grandchildren, marriage, divorce, and managing their health... all while running a business. No wonder you take so little time for yourselves or your future. Well that changes today.
If you are thinking about exiting your business at some point, yet you've done very little to prepare, THAT'S OK! We have the strategies and tools to get you there. Plus, you don't have to be in "exit mode" to get a handle on your business or to start strategic planning. In fact the earlier, the better. We love turning all our clients' businesses into profitable machines with great operations.
Let us help you get out of overwhelm and into a business (and future) you love.
About Us
Renee Williams Group is a small family of brands specifically geared toward experienced women entrepreneurs. We are small business strategists. Our mission is to secure the future of women entrepreneurs by providing a holistic approach to business ownership which includes streamlined operations, personal financial management, and strategic exit planning with passive income.