When you've lost everything in your life, it can be difficult to find the courage to get back up. This episode's guest rebuilt her entire life through real estate. After a divorce that left her bankrupt, Dixie Decker took the challenges and used them as fuel to get her and her children's life back together. Now, she is called the Queen of Student Housing, building her net worth to over $5,000,000 and $100,000 per month in positive cash flow! She joins hosts Renee Williams and Camille Davis to share her journey building a student housing empire. She takes us through the ins and outs of this real estate niche—from dealing with college students to having parents co-sign. Inspiring others struggling to rebuild their lives, Dixie then shares how she pursued starting and growing her business along with some of the tools that helped her.
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How To Build Your Student Housing Empire With Dixie Decker
We’re talking to Dixie Decker, the Queen of Student Housing. She is going to tell us all about running student housing and a business so that it’s not a hobby. After a devastating divorce and bankruptcy, Dixie, a single mother of two, rebuilt her entire life through real estate. In the process, she accidentally stumbled upon a unique method for buying and profiting in real estate without owning the properties. That should be interesting. In three years, she mastered the process of building her network to over $5 million and $100,000 per month in positive cashflow.
Now, her cashflow machine runs practically on autopilot so she can focus on her family, growing investments, and helping others succeed. Dixie loves rehabbing and keeps anywhere from 5 to 10 projects going at a time. She’s got Airbnbs. She loves teaching QuickBooks to investors and she wants all of us to learn the ins and outs of running a real estate business. We are going to have an awesome chat with Dixie Decker. Stay tuned. She’s coming up.
Welcome everybody to the show. We have with us, Dixie Decker. Dixie is going to tell us all about all of the fantastic things that she is doing in real estate investing and student housing. Welcome to the show, Dixie.
Thanks for having me.
Thank you so much for being on. You and Camille met each other how? Can you tell us the story of how you met?
I’m going to let her tell the story because it’s always fun to hear her tell it.
We met at the Ron LeGrand event back in 2014. She was adorable because she started calling me the YouTube girl. I learned how to get these deeds to properties and take them over subject to by watching YouTube and finding out how to do it myself. Dixie was brand new in all this. She had done a lot of rehabs though.
I had done a couple of rehabs prior to that. What my dad thought was rehab when I had credit and money. You got a realtor and went to the bank. That’s all I knew. I lost everything in 2010 and 2011. When you go bankrupt and divorced as a single mom, you have nothing and you can’t do anything. You’re a dead duck in the water. In 2013, I met Ron LeGrand. In 2014, I went to one of his big events and met you there.
This was so amazing because, in a year from 2013 to 2014, she was killing it. She had a staff and an office. She had gone and found a bunch of private money. You had this drive behind you. As you said, you had lost everything. Your credit crashed because your ex-husband crashed your credit. He used cards that you didn’t even know he used and maxed them out.
I had $150,000 in credit card debt with the past beautiful credit score that I didn’t know about.
In devastation, she turned around and took this moment in her life. This is what makes successful people successful. You take those bad moments and change them. That fuels this determination and drive to keep going but that’s the hardest time. That’s when it’s the worst. I was intrigued. We had this connection because we were both new at this.
We’re women in the industry.
Were you the only ladies in the room? Were you two of only a few women that were with Ron LeGrand at that time?
I don’t even hardly remember but honestly, from the fruition of this industry, we are always grossly outnumbered by men. I would have to default and say yeah.
That’s why I’m asking because with real estate investing, I always find that I’m one of the only women in the room and strangely, one of the only women of color in the room. The numbers get small when it comes to real estate investing in women. Dixie, you’ve done some phenomenal things in your career since 2013 and 2014. You’ve taken off. Can you tell us a little bit about what you’re doing?
I learned from Ron. Prior to 2013, I didn’t even know what the word wholesaling was. I didn’t know lease options, subject to, owner financing, and private lending. I had no clue this world existed outside of traditional real estate. When you learn from Ron, the whole goal is to pick up a pretty house and then you’re going to rent-to-own it to someone else. We picked up a house on a lease option. It was near the campus. I say we because my best friend and I were doing this together, Brandon. I’m now married to him.
We run the business but mostly, I’m operations. I created the system and all that stuff. He’s good at working with planning and zoning, and engineering stuff. That’s what he did in the military so it’s a great combination. We picked up this house and put out ads for rent-to-own. Ron told me to do it. I’m a straight-A student so I follow the rules. Everyone would call and say, “We don’t want to give you a down payment. Our kid is going to go to college. We don’t want to stay there for more than a year or two. We just want to rent it.”
I’m like, “I’m not allowed to rent it. I have to get a down payment. This is rent-to-own only.” Brandon and I chatted about it and he’s like, “When I got out of the military, a battle buddy and I fixed up a house and we were going to rent it to college kids.” I was like, “It’s insanity to rent college kids. Can you even get homeowner’s insurance on them? They’re going to destroy the house. This is craziness.” He says, “This is how much they will pay per room.” I’m like, “Ron didn’t say we could do that but he did say we could sublease it. Every agreement we write has the ability to be subleased. A college kid is no different than anyone else. You’re still subleasing.”
I ran an ad and priced the house by the room but I also said, “You have to fill the whole unit.” That one was $400 or $450 a room, “You must fill the whole unit. It’s three bedrooms.” Here they came. I was only going to get $850 total from a single-family rental plus a down payment. I was like, “This works. They wanted the house.” We did it and then we were like, “Let’s do that again.” We kept going. We probably average between $550 and $575 per room and rent.
We have over 300 college kids that live in our houses and they don’t destroy the places. I created a model where I write one lease for one unit. 3 or 4 college kids and 3 or 4 sets of parents are on that lease. I don’t do any credit checks. I’ve never had an eviction for college kids. They pay rent twelve months out of the year so I don’t care if they’re out of school on May 15th. If I wrote a twelve-month lease, they fulfill the whole thing. We’re very upfront about that like, “You’re out of college during the summer. Our business model says we have to write a twelve-month lease. If that doesn’t work for you, that’s okay.” They’re used to it.
When I had my first child, I was like, “How am I going to pay for college? I’m birthing them.” All parents are that way. They’re ready to pay for dorms. When the kid leaves the dorms, the parents are still budgeted to pay for housing. Who better for it to go to than someone like us that’s providing super nice housing? I’m not a slum lord. I’ve got hardwood, granites, and tiles, which is why I can charge a good rate because I have nice housing.
I fell in love with this niche. I love it better than single-family rentals. The parents come down and clean my houses so they can get all their security deposit back. I can turn over a lot of properties in 24 hours because of the condition they leave them in. When my single-family people leave, it’s almost a mini-rehab all over again. There’s a new carpet, sheetrock holes, and painting. It’s not that way with my college kids because there’s so much peer pressure.
Parents on the lease want their money back and I’m happy to give it back. I love being that kind of landlord because I’ll be like, “Here’s the deal. This is what we need you to do. Please help me because I don’t want to keep your security deposit. Please help me give it all back to you.” When is the last time a landlord said that to a tenant? They don’t. I love positive reinforcement. I fell in love with it. The cashflow is superior to any other model I’ve experienced.
That’s amazing. When you rent it to a single-family, what is the difference? You would get how much a month for the house if you rent it to a regular family?
I’m in Springfield, Missouri. My campus is Missouri State University. In this particular area, a 3 or 4-bedroom house for single-families would go from $800 to $1,200 a month top-end. I’m getting anywhere from $1,500 to $2,400 for a 3 or 4-bedroom a month.
It’s pretty much double and you’re the student housing queen.
That’s what Ron named me, Queen of Student Housing.
That’s not a bad moniker to have. It’s fantastic. With 300 students that you’re serving, you are the Queen, Ms. Dixie Decker.
Thank you.
To unpack a little bit about what you were saying, Dixie, the way that your programming is working and that parents are the ones who are going on the lease. Are the students also on the lease or is it just mom and dad? How are you managing that?
We always put the students on. They’re our primaries because we want to hold them accountable and responsible. They’re who we communicate with primarily. We add the parents as cosigners and guarantors if anything goes sideways. For example, let’s pretend someone didn’t pay their rent. I’ve had this happen. I rarely have anyone that’s late on rent because parents are usually the ones paying.
However, one time, we had a group paying rent and it was short rent. We shoot a message to the roommates, “It looks like rent is not paid in full this month.” They then get to harass the one that didn’t pay. We messaged the parents and said, “The rent is not paid in full for May.” Mama Bear is calling us, “I gave him his rent money. I don’t know what he did with it. That’s it. He no longer gets it sent to him. I’m paying you directly. Can I pay you all twelve months upfront?”
The beautiful thing is I operate off of peer pressure if needed. The parents don’t want me ruining their credit if something goes sideways. Even if one parent decides they don’t care, it’s unlikely that the other parents are going to be like, “It’s cool. You can sue us.” They have worked hard most likely to be able to afford their lifestyles plus provide for their child. I operate off of that opportunity. That’s what we all want in the end, not to have to ruin anyone’s credit. I have a whole file that I can take to court if needed but I’ve never upfront run a credit check on any college rental I have.

I love the system. I love the way that you have it set up so that the students are first responsible. I have a daughter who’s in college. We are in the process of looking for housing for the semester coming up. With that, I’ve charged her, “You find the place and get the application. Where do we need to cosign?” I’m making her responsible for it so that way, it’s not all on me.
This is what makes it so real life. You said, “Where do we cosign?” You don’t even question the fact that you’re going to have to cosign.
It’s automatic. They have no credit and no job.
People ask me all the time, “How do you get the parents to do this?” I’m like, “I rarely have to explain why. They are already programmed to want to cosign.” You said it and didn’t even know you said it. That’s real life. I have a college daughter as well. When she goes out there, she doesn’t have money or credit. Nobody is renting to her. People say, “How come the neighbor that has the house next door isn’t doing what you do?” I said, “Some of them do but most of them don’t because of that right there. They don’t want to rent to a college kid because they don’t understand it. I don’t need to be the one that teaches them. That’s why it works for me.”
Are you teaching or coaching on how to do this?
In 2016, Ron found out what I was doing here in Springfield because he came to town. Nikki had reached out who was speaking on a REIA. She’s like, “I know you live there. Will you pick him up from the airport?” I said, “Sure.” He got in my car and I was like, “I’ve got you hostage in my car for a bit. Can I show you what I’ve been doing?” He says, “Young lady, you’re going to be on my stage and teach my people what you’re doing.”
That’s exactly what he does.
I skipped public speaking and avoided that at all costs. There’s no way. He’s like, “You are.” Ron says, “Dixie, you’re going to do this.” That was in 2016. I started teaching, training, and speaking. I started traveling and talking on stages in REIAs. I held my live events here and taught students about student housing. I took them inside my property so they could see in real life how college kids live and then COVID hit. I made a lot of changes not during COVID but post-COVID.
I was determined that I was not a fan of hitting airplanes, packing a suitcase, and leaving my children. As much as I loved teaching, I didn’t love that side of it. I pivoted and loaded everything I have done to a digital platform teaching-wise. I started teaching weekly live through that digital program. Everyone was scheduled to come to my live events. We started doing digital teachings. I saved and recorded all of that content and built a program digitally for people.
I held my last live event in 2021. Now, I need to make a decision. Do I want to teach again live? Am I only going to teach digitally? Depending on that answer, how do I accomplish that without traveling all over the world and leaving my kids? Everyone thinks that looks very glamorous to travel for work and see new cities. I’m like, “You don’t understand. You pack a suitcase, hit a flight, and get a layover. You’re stressed. You might miss the meeting. You go to the meeting. You’re mandated to sell so much. You go back to your room. You barely get any sleep. You’re back on an airplane.” It’s not glorious.
I have to make some decisions. When we’re chatting offline, I’m looking for someone that wants to partner up to promote selling my program so that I can teach it. I also created a QuickBooks program for real estate investors because I feel like that’s something that’s not talked about. In all the years I’ve been in this business, no one talks about keeping track of things.
A QuickBooks program for real estate investors is something that's not talked about in this business. No one talks about keeping track of things.
I’m so intrigued by that because I did the same thing. I’m like, “We could have a one-stop software that builds all your rental stuff.” Even QuickBooks for real estate investors is completely different. You can’t find bookkeepers that know real estate investing.
I went through several. I now have my accountants. We have created a phenomenal setup for QuickBooks for real estate investors. She has taken additional training and classes to understand real estate investors that are doing lease options, subject to, and owner financing. We have created a process, a system, and a procedure for QuickBooks. We have been building that out.
I used my mastermind group as my Guinea pigs because they’re the ones that inspired this. They’re like, “That’s the one thing we can’t find anywhere. We need help with our books.” I’m like, “Let’s do it.” We started teaching it digitally and recorded all that content. I’ve built out a program for QuickBooks for real estate investors. I don’t want to travel and speak to sell it. I’m looking for someone to partner up with to start selling it, and then I can teach it.
I had everything online and I have too many companies. I had to extract everything and put it into a desktop QuickBook. I’m still trying to catch up. I hired a girl. She got the books to try to learn how to do this. This has been a painful process. I’ve spent thousands of dollars. She’s completely overwhelmed because she’s still trying to catch up. I still have all my stuff going on and started two more companies.
You don’t stop buying or moving other businesses ahead to fix your books. You’re like, “We will figure it out.” You keep making money. I’ve been in this same boat. I’m going to get that up and going because it’s a huge asset that people will benefit from. I have a real passion for teaching and helping people but I don’t have a passion for selling or finding the people to teach. I need someone to find the people for me to teach.
There are two opportunities here that you all mentioned. This is a new show. As we’re growing our audience and people are reading, they’re like, “Maybe I can help with that.” The two opportunities would be, one, sales or getting out there in front of people. You’re the face to be a promoter. The second opportunity is for some of us who are real estate investors but we have analysis paralysis. We would love a good QuickBooks program. It sounds like a winning opportunity to grow a business doing QuickBooks for real estate investors if we can learn about your program, Dixie.
Investors would hire real estate knowledge-savvy bookkeepers any day.
There are two opportunities there. We will find out how to reach you at the end if somebody wants to message you about that. My next question for you is about getting started with growing this business. The impetus was for you to make a life for yourself after all of the things that happened but you still could have said, “I’ve got all these challenges. I’m not strong and smart enough. I can’t do it.” What made you push forward and pursue starting this business and keep it going as strongly as you have?
I don’t know if I have an exact answer but this is the piece I frequently see missing in people that I’ve taught, worked with, or mentored. I was as low in the ground as you could go. I worked a lot out of survival. When you’re in survival mode, you don’t hear the word no anymore. It’s like, “How can I do this?” I have two daughters looking up to me. I’m their sole provider. I have to figure out a way to feed them and provide a life for them. I was always in sports. I was very competitive.
When I found this system with Ron, I said, “Let’s do what he says. I’m not going to take no for an answer. I have nothing to lose. I’m already there.” That to me encompasses the word grit. You have to have a lot of grit and go for it. That’s what set me apart from a lot of people. A lot of people go to these programs. I’m not trying to be mean but they have day jobs. That day job is enough to make them comfortable and get them by. There’s no real pain or motivating factor to make something happen. It’s like, “I already worked my 40 hours. I’m pretty tired. I don’t have time.”
I was working 1,800 hours a week to make this business take off. It was not a 40-hour gig, and I had a day job but it wasn’t enough. I would work weekends at night. On my lunch break from that job, I would look at houses and come back to my day job. My kids rode in the car and I made them smell the nastiest houses. There were no days off to get this started. I knew I had to do that if I ever wanted more than where I was. There was no question about it.
When I’m teaching people, a lot of them are like, “I was at my day job. I didn’t have time to make phone calls. I’m going to do that on Saturday.” Saturday gets here, “My kids had a ball game. I had to go to that ball game.” I understand it. I have kids too. There were a lot of nights I was up late and I was up early. It’s what I had to do to make it work. For me, it’s not taking no for an answer. I was a good problem solver. If there was a title that had an issue like subject to, I’m like, “This is how we can fix that. Let’s take the deed that’s going to clear that off for you.”
I would talk to my title lady and say, “How can you help me get this done? I know it’s a no. I know that investors can’t close it. How can you help me close it? What can we do?” She’s like, “Do this and that.” I’m like, “I’m going to do it. Maybe I don’t close it for four months but I’m going to be helping the sellers out because nobody else can do this for them except me.” I saw myself in a position to help other people. I am not in the house-buying business. I am here to help people. As long as you have that as your motto, it makes a huge difference in your success.
I love everything you said. I got chills the whole way through. My husband would say to me, “You are obsessed.” I’m like, “You have to be obsessed.” It was because of this drive. It was helping people and problem-solving. For some reason, if I can solve a problem, that is so rewarding and that thing of, “I’m the only one that can help them at this point.” When they’re in foreclosure, they have maybe two weeks in Texas because we don’t get a notice of default, which comes out six months before. No one else can close that. Even a cash buyer cannot close that at a title company so I step in and save these people.
I did one on Monday. The foreclosure was Tuesday. He had a buyer. The buyer couldn’t close it because there was an IRS lien that popped up. The lien died so I’m going to remove the IRS lien but he didn’t have time and I said, “I will take the deed and get the IRS lien removed 3 months or maybe 4 months from now because that’s how long it takes. I’m going to rent it out.” I saved his credit. He’s like, “My credit is going to be hit. Can you save it?” It’s so rewarding. It’s amazing.
Everyone else would have told you, “You can’t do that. That’s a higher-risk lien. It’s not possible. Why are you even trying?” Even if they have been to the seminars and someone else has told them they can, they go, “I can’t. It’s over.” I’m like, “It’s not over. I’m going for this.”
I’m figuring it out. The bank told me on Monday, “We can’t get the reinstatement that fast. It’s going to take 2 to 5 business days.” I called the attorney’s office and they’re like, “We can’t do this fast.” I called the bank back, got somebody else on the phone, and said, “We have the money. We need to pay this. How can I pay this?” That person then got me the information. You don’t take no for an answer. You go with it. Get somebody else on the phone that’s going to help you.
You ladies are teaching.
We bonded. We’re like souls.
You meet a lot of people out there. I don’t befriend everybody I meet even if I don’t follow along necessarily. We friended each other. I stalked her. I’m like, “Look at your new photo.” I love to see the houses she’s putting out there and the progress that she’s making. It is special because you don’t start following everybody you meet at a seminar. How many hundreds of people have you met in programs and seminars? I love it when I click with someone and I get to see their success. It’s fun.
I feel so honored. Dixie is famous. She’s responding to me. I know she’s busy and she’s doing all this stuff. Ron LeGrand came to me and wanted me to do a similar thing but I had four kids. They were all young. They were 5 and 4. In 2014, they were probably more like 6, 5, or 4. I was like, “I can’t do that.” I wanted that opportunity because I knew Ron LeGrand would push me out there. It was in my life cards at that time. I loved watching you.
There’s always today. You can start today.
We’re starting this women’s group. I am starting some coaching, which I never thought I wanted to do. I’m not a teacher. I’m a doer. I take action and then I don’t put it down on paper. Making the videos and all that is overwhelming and so uncomfortable. I owe that to Renee. Renee got me out there. She got me started on this show and in front of people because I’m not going to be in front of people. That is so uncomfortable. It’s not my comfort zone.
I told Ron that my biggest thing was the few ways I was raised, “You go to college, get a job, have that all-American dream, and keep a great credit score. Those are life goals.” I pretty much failed all of them and then some, “Secondly, you don’t talk about politics, religion, money, or sports.” When Ron put me on stage, I pretty much violated every single one of those two. I’m like, “I am hitting home runs here because it’s not comfortable.”
It puts you out in front of people to use you as target practice. Part of doing this is discussing those things. My dad almost died when he realized I was out there talking about these things to people. He’s proud that I’m helping and teaching but he’s always like, “You have to tell everybody everything.” I’m like, “Yeah, dad, because I’m transparent. I’m never going to fool someone or sugarcoat it. It is what it is.”
Be transparent. You got to tell everybody everything.
To whom much is given and required, you ladies have done some phenomenal things in real estate investing. Even though you need to package what you’re teaching in a way that’s comfortable for you, it is so good to sit under you. What you’re saying rolls off your tongue. You are such naturals but for those of us who are not in subject to or that side of real estate investing, I’m soaking it all in. I’m learning something here. It encourages me to feel like I’ve got muscles in my teeth. I can go out and do this too. I bet you’re both having the same effect.
Cammie, you got a text from a lady who went over to the courthouse with her baby in a stroller. It’s like you had your kids in the car the first time when you filed your deed. She did the same thing after reading an episode that we had done previously. She got the strength and the courage to be able to do it. You are both impacting women in ways that you may never know but you are. Thank you for that. Before we go, I wanted to ask Dixie about contacting her. What’s the best way to get you on social media, the interweb, or websites? Where are you?
I do have a website, DixieDecker.com. It currently needs a full rehaul. My husband says the content is all very relevant but I have lost 65 pounds and rehauled my personal life. He says I should rehaul that website as well. I have a YouTube channel where there are tons of free content. I teach there. I did crash and take down my business’s social media. I only have my personal social media out there now mostly because I’m in transition. I don’t know what I want to do. I left my teachings out there but I didn’t want to actively be promoting when I don’t know what I’m going to do with this side of it.
I’m out there. They can find me pretty easily but there are hundreds of minutes and hours of free content on student housing primarily on YouTube. If someone is interested in either of those programs, they are still available. Shoot me a message at DixieDecker.com. I’ll respond back. I don’t have anyone that responds for me. It’s just me. That’s the thing. I ran mastermind groups and only took a certain amount of people because I wanted to do the work and spend time with the people.
This was a little thing for me when I questioned sharing my story on stage in front of hundreds of people. My husband has been my best friend since seventh grade but I got to marry him a couple of years ago. I would say, “I’m nervous. I don’t know if I want to keep doing this. Why do I do this? It is so out of my comfort zone.” He said, “Your goal is to give one person hope or change one life in that room. Your goal is not to sell or make money. Your goal is to give somebody else hope.” I was like, “That’s the only reason we do this.” They can find me out there. If I can help, I will.

On YouTube, are you Student Housing Queen? Where do we find you on YouTube?
It’s under Dixie Decker.
For those of us who are internet users, we will find you. Don’t worry. DixieDecker.com is super helpful. Miss Camille Davis, thank you so much. I know that you’ve got some great coaching stuff rolling out for you too. I want to make sure that we all know how to get in touch with you. How do we do that, Cammie, if we’re interested in coaching?
I need to get some business stuff going together too. The new name is Women’s Wealth Collective. I want to change it but it’s WomensWealthCollective@gmail.com. We do have a Facebook page but it’s new. I’m exactly like Dixie. I feel the same way. I don’t want to be selling to the masses. I went to a Dallas event with Tresa Todd. It was amazing. I love everything that she’s doing but I don’t want to be that person that’s like, “For $20,000, sign up for my thing.” It’s that one person that I can change their life. It’s a hard place to be.
You want to know the truth behind it. This is my opinion so people can come to me if they want. We are doing real estate. We have built businesses that are working. Teaching comes second. Often you will find the people that are grinding on the road 300 days a year are no longer actively doing real estate. That’s the difference.
Their business now is selling. I don’t want my business to be selling. It’s hard to be in this, “Do you teach and spend all this time over here? Do you do this over here and do real estate that you love?”
When and if you go off the road, guess what stops coming in and what happens when I have my real estate business built and I go on vacation for half a year. It’s still here when I come back. It still produces money every single month because it’s passive. It’s always the question, “Do I want a passive income or an active income?” I like passive, ladies.
Do you want a job that you hate doing? Even if you created the job for yourself, you have a passive income.
On that note, ladies, I completely agree with all of that. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to do both. There are doers and then teachers. Few people are able to build teams well enough so that they can do both, especially if their passion is in the doing. If your passion is in the doing, then keep doing it. Put out there what you can and let us grab along to your coattails where we can. We will find your videos and follow you. We will be able to keep up that way. Whatever you have, we will soak it all up. Keep doing what you’re doing and what makes you happy. Thank you so much Dixie for your time. We will see you soon.
Thanks, guys.
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About Dixie Decker

Dixie Decker, queen of student housing & running a business like a business not a hobby. After a devastating divorce and bankruptcy, this single mother of 2 rebuilt her life through real estate. In the process, she accidentally stumbled upon a unique method for buying and profiting in real estate without using any of her own money or credit. In just 3 years, she mastered the process, building her net worth to over $5,000,000 and $100,000 per month in positive cash flow! Today her cash flow machine runs practically on AUTOPILOT, so she can focus on her family, growing investments, and helping others succeed. I’ve raised over $10 million in private money while tripling my cash flow over traditional single family rentals.
My business runs on auto-pilot. And, most importantly, today I collect over 300 checks each month and have over 65 golden geese with none of my own money in any deal. And, all while having the security of the ever growing college students and their parents on the dotted line to make the rental payments, and acknowledging the market even gets stronger during a recession. She loves rehabbing and keeps anywhere from 5-10 project going all the time, Airbnb's, and loves teaching QuickBooks for investors so they really know the in's and out's of their real estate business!