Real estate has always been a thriving space dominated by men. Despite being a woman, Erin Hudson courageously faced her limiting beliefs and jumped into this industry. Joining Renee Williams and Camille Davis, she looks back on how her chiropractic career brought her to real estate, turning many setbacks into profitable opportunities. Erin discusses how she helps other people create and preserve multiple income streams in today’s crazy economy. She also explains how parents should educate their kids about financial management and why partnership is crucial in a successful investment.
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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs in Real Estate Investing with Erin Hudson
We are with Dr. Erin Hudson. Erin, how are you, ma'am?
Very good. It's so good to be on here with you. Thanks for having me. I hope to add some serious value to your readers.
Thank you so much for coming on. Erin, you have a very different background from the other guests we've had on the show, being that you are a doctor. If you will, tell us a little bit about that and how your chiropractic practice maybe led you into real estate or how did all of that come about?
I could write a book. I don't want to bore you too much, but we'll take it to the high level. I wonder if some of your readers and those out there, I sure wish I could see your face and get a thumbs up and let me know that I'm not alone, but I grew up in this household with four other brothers and sisters. I'm 1 of 5. I had amazing parents who were super committed and loyal, but something was missing in our household. What it was is we did not talk about finances. We did not talk about seed duplication, our future, and what we're going to do when we retire. We didn't live that life.
It was more of my parents working for somebody else, building their dream, working that 9:00 to 5:00, coming home completely exhausted, and blessed their hearts, they did do the best that they could. They didn't have the tools that I have now. I'm on this massive mission not to share with my family and my own kids but to change the lives of others.
There are uber-wealthy out there, but that's not who I'm going for. I'm going to the average person that wants to make a difference, build their legacy, and help grow their empire. It came back from living that life that was not full of abundance to knowing that each one of us is entitled and worthy of abundance if that's truly what our hearts desire.
That's where my start is as far as growing up and the household that I came from. My parents were so busy building somebody else's dream, I knew that I wanted to be my own boss. I knew that the sky was the limit and I was in charge. I had to walk it out. When you find out the good news and that it's all possible, there's a nonstop that takes place. Each one of us is an entrepreneur and we have that entrepreneurial spirit. It's just a matter of what level. When you hear the good news that the sky's the limit and go for what you want because you can have it, there are no brakes. Go for it. With that being said, I decided that I wanted to become a doctor and be my own boss.
After seeing my parents work for bosses, I was like, "I don't want any of that. I want to be the boss." I became a doctor and within a year, I opened up my second practice and had team members that were working in my practice. I absolutely love them. They were my right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg. There's no way that I could do it without them. Please don't discount any of that. It was a lovely time. It's truly what has gotten me to where I am.
It's all a stepping stone. I wish I had gotten started the multifamily before I went through all the things I went through in real estate and private practice, but I knew it was all but for a reason. That is what has launched me in this massive way in the real estate space in helping people propel their future and their livelihood.
I want to unpack a little bit of what you were saying about family because a lot of us grew up with blue-collar parents or parents that maybe were white-collar but worked for someone else. It is a mind shift to think about being a business owner and being successful enough to be able to make a living.
There's no doubt about that, but here's the thing, the most important thing for all of us is to work on our limiting beliefs and figure out what we're capable of and where we lack, we need to be empowered. When we hone in on that and sharpen our craft, it sounds crazy, but in this place in my life, there's nothing I can't do. It goes back to how badly we want it and how resourceful you are willing to be. It's about relationships and building and helping other people win at the game of life. When you help them win at life, it's the law of reciprocity.
Zig Ziglar says it best. "I will help you get what you want, Renee. I'm going to get what I want." It's about other people. Ms. Camille, who I've been friends with, who I still like it's been eons and it's been for a short duration, but I love her because she'll tell you that every time that we talk, I always say before I end my call like, "Girl, what can I do for you?" It's genuine. She has a harder goal to help other people and that's why there's this sister from another mister fill between the two.
We bond on so many levels. Erin packs it all in and says the right words. When I met her, the first thing she said was, "What can I do for you?" I thought, "No one asked me what they could do for me." I was a little caught off guard, I didn't know what to say, but it's been amazing. Erin is a powerhouse lady.
I completely agree. It's so encouraging for other women to see women doing things that traditionally, maybe growing up, we didn't see a lot of ladies doing things. There were female doctors, don't get me wrong, but real estate moguls, buying properties and apartments and syndicating deals, who knew a woman doing that? I didn't. I have to find women doing it now. Thankfully, so many more of us are doing it now, but can we talk about that? As you're growing the real estate side of your life, where are you seeing that there are opportunities for women to get in who perhaps maybe had not even considered?
People ask me all the time, "Erin, what do I do to get started? How can I get into this syndication space?" Let me rewind for a moment to give some color and context here. I was in private practice and I had a patient talk about his mailbox money coming in this weekend. He started to shed some light on his mailbox money. I was super intrigued, "What do you mean mailbox money?" Lo and behold, he was an investor and owned a bunch of single-family rental properties. No disrespect, but there was something about him. He's a super nice and sweet guy, but he didn't have anything that I didn't think I perhaps had or maybe you had.
I thought to myself, "If this gentleman can do it, who didn't graduate college, there could've been something to this." I don’t put one foot in and one foot out. I'm like, "I got to dig in. I got to figure this out." I was in private practice. For your readers out there, I wasn't this single lady that was wanting to be in private practice on real estate. I was a mom of five. I've got kids. For those of you that say, "I don't have the time. I can't figure it out," that's all a lie from the pit of hell because if you truly want it, you're going to figure it out and work the plan.
If you truly want something, you can figure out a plan to get it.
I was intrigued by this guy and I dug in and I figured it out. I love to structure good deals and make it a win and a way for other people to win and for me to win at the same time, which is another discussion, but I got started in the single-family space. Fast forward a few years later, I got invited to go to this multifamily event for the evening. I'm going to be honest with you. I remember thinking, "I have no business going to this thing tonight. That's for the billionaires. I could never possibly own an apartment building. There is no way in hell."
I went to this begrudgingly. I sat in the front row with my arms crossed like, "Why in the heck am I here?" I realized the speaker was speaking away and all of a sudden, it was like this, as I shared with Camille before. It was like I had been playing the game of Monopoly. Everybody knows Vermont is the cheapest house you can land on that's going to pay you the lowest amount of rent, then you have Boardwalk that's going to pay you $5,000 for your hotel that's on there and etc.
I'm sitting in the front row, the gentleman shares this concept, and I literally had an epiphany. It was like the Red Sea had parted. It was super clear that I'd been playing the game of Monopoly landing on Vermont, i.e., my single-family houses. I found out that I am 100% capable of landing on the Boardwalk every single time. It meant that I saw how it was all possible, regardless of whether I was a girl, even though it's a man's world right now, not for long, that it was possible. As I said before, I'm not a one-foot-in, one-foot-out kind of girl. I took drastic measures and sometimes that's what life takes, ladies and gentlemen.
Sometimes that's what it takes. I literally got done with that event and I went back to my husband and I said, "We've got to pack up our stuff and figure out a game plan. We've got to move to Texas. We've got to bring in other doctors into the practice. It's time for me to go build our empire because I have the tools and how what I need to do. There's no better way."
People thought I was on drugs. I was packing up my stuff and going because I had two practices that were completely super profitable and successful, but I saw something bigger. I hated the fact that every time that tax year came at the end and I had to give 45% to 50% to Uncle Sam, it didn't sit well to me. Why did it not sit well? I have five kids. I was being robbed of that money by the IRS that could be going to my sweet five babies. I sat in that meeting and that was the thing that inspired me the most. Here I was, giving my hard-earned money away when I found a way to invest in the multifamily space, make a grip of money, and pay zero in taxes. That was enough.
I could not stop. I was so obsessed with digging in, reading books, getting equipped, getting coached, and signing up for a program so that I could not only get educated myself, but I knew that I was going to take others with me and change their lives forever. By doing that, it took me a few years of digging in, getting coached, and being equipped because there is nothing that is more important than making sure that we take care of our investors' money because it is more important than our own money. I wanted to be fully equipped, educated, and ready to take it to the next level.
It's been the best ride of my life. Now, I'm on this mission to show everybody, the women who I have been on this mission for, to show them the ropes and the way to get in the game, double their money every five years, which equates to a 20% return. Who doesn't want that? You can do it passively or get in the game if you so desire the future. It was a matter of being on fire for others. That's what spurred the whole thing on.
How do you even follow that, Renee?
I promise I have allergies. I'm not crying. I'm tearing up. She's telling this wonderful story about her babies, but I totally get it. For you to pack up your entire life, talk about an epiphany or an a-ha moment that changes the trajectory, not just for you, but generational wealth for your kids too. That is huge that you saw the writing on the wall and you were willing to pack it all up and make the change. How is your husband with that, Erin?
Opposites attract. I'm a big-time risk taker, but I'm somebody who sees the light at the end of the tunnel where he's more reserved and like, "Are you so sure about that?" I was like, "Babe, listen. I can't move forward unless you trust me on this, but I know this is the right move." People thought I was crazy because sometimes I don't want to call it a setback, but sometimes you have to have that setback, which prepares you for that comeback. That's exactly what this was.

Most people would not be as bold as I am. I took a very beautiful salary being in private practice to literally take less than half of that to go in, dig in, get equipped, learn, and go back and sit on the sidelines for a few years, not in private practice, to give my every hour to dig in and learn to get equipped for what was to come. That setback was a massive comeback. I have gone out of this world to say that in a way that's not compass about me. It's about bringing hope to other people that whatever it is you so desire, go for it. You can have it. You have to be willing to work on the plan daily.
There are going to be failures, which is another little conversation. I'm happy to open up my book and share it with you because it's a great way for you to learn and for others to learn that it's not all rainbows and butterflies. I'm talking about that right now. There are hardships that come, but it's the most costly learning lesson that you'll never make the mistake again. It's going to help propel you to the next level.
Here's the deal. I don't know if you're a believer or not, but when I had gone for a couple of trials, when I had first got started, I had a bad setback. It was bad enough and I lost a lot of money. I was embezzled. I very well wanted to hide in a closet and not come out for a couple of weeks. Every fiber in me felt like a loser. I felt like, "I've blown it. If I screwed off this hard, how could I ever be successful in the future?"
I'm sure maybe some of you readers have had a setback that's dug you into a bad place. Remember, we can get knocked down, but it's about how quickly to get back up. I could get teary over it because had I been that weak that said, "This suck. I don't want to be here." I'm not going to continue because I have this bad setback. I would never be where I am now, building this generational legacy for my family, but furthermore, I wouldn't be changing the lives of other women.
Here's the thing, when I ask if you're a believer at the time, whoever it is, you believe in or whatever it is, I remember telling myself this. "He's not going to take you to this place and leave me here. It's just but a season. If I can posture properly under pressure, he's massively going to promote." That's exactly what he's done. He's put me in this place and space to share with other women to prove that there can be massive triumphs. We just have to be willing to work the puzzle, push through, not be a weak suck, and lastly, I owe it to my kids. If I give up and my kids go give up when they hit a wall, I can't stand and say, "Come on, push through." "Why? Mama didn't push through."
That's what greatness is made of, though. I don't think that any of us in life ever get to accomplish great things by being comfortable every day. It's not a part of the journey. We don't do our kids any favors by letting them think that you're not going to be uncomfortable sometimes. All this helicopter parenting, that's a whole other Oprah show. You have to take the lumps and understand that all of this is part of a greater plan and you can fail forward. You just don't quit. Keep going. Your kids are watching you and they're absolutely learning the lesson.
If you go look at some of the most successful people in the world and dig into their books, you'll hear about all their trials, struggles, and flopping on their faces, but one thing they had is perseverance to continue on. We have to remember that's part of life. It makes us that much stronger, wiser, and more confident.
I want to talk a little bit about failure and some things that maybe did not work out. I asked Camille about this because Cami has been in more than 200 single-family deals over the lifetime of your experience. I know you've had a time or two when you didn't get the deal or lost money on something. I remember you talking about somebody taking some money from you that you were kind enough to loan. Cami, fill us in on some of the not-so-good things that have happened during your experience.
I totally agree with everything that Erin said because I could have given up. It is those moments when you truly define yourself. When you learn the most, that's where the most confidence comes from because you're like, "I did this part, so I can do this part." The failure for me, I had lost $100,000 on one home. It was the biggest remodel we've ever done. I learned I should have gotten out of those contractors quicker and hired others.
I went and did another deal a few months later, and it was a huge success because I ended up firing the people when they weren't good. I went and found an amazing builder from that, and to this day, because of that builder, I am now building fourplexes at the University of Houston. I wouldn't have ever been confident to do that or have this contact if I didn't push past that deal that I lost all that money on and went and did another one.
My husband was like, "What are you doing? We just did this. Why are you going to do this again?" My mentality was, "When you fall off the horse, you get back on." That's what I told him. That's what separates the successful from the non-successful. They are willing to push forward. When those things get tough and you're in your closet, on your knees praying, or however you handle it, I go to my closet, pouring my heart out. We found out fourplexes are going to because way more than we thought. My husband was like, "Let's just sell it. Let's get out of this. Why are we doing this?"
My mind goes, "How can I make this work?" Instead of, "I'm going to get rid of it." I'm not saying he's a bad person. I told him, "If I cannot make the numbers work, I will let it go, but I will find a way to make it work differently instead of a regular rental. I will turn it into an Airbnb. I'm going to figure it out. I'm talking to other investors and lenders." The mindset of figuring out something different or finding options when a roadblock comes your way. There is an option. Solving a problem and looking for other options, we usually find it. We can usually find another answer.
I agree with you. I love the mindset, though, because what I hear you saying, Erin, is that even though you felt broken, you fought through it. Cami, for you, even though you lost all the money, your mind went to, "How can I fix this? Get back on the horse again." The idea where I was trying to go with this is to be encouraged. To the audience, you are not down for the count. You can absolutely do this. Nobody promised you it was going to be easy, but you can absolutely survive it. There's so much more ahead of you than there is behind you. Take the lessons and fail forward.
Let's just stack on that real quick, Renee, because when all of that had gone and I was in that bad place for a bit and I pushed through that, I was able to have more success. I cofounded Quattro Capital and now I've got a team that I'm in alignment with that has the heart to do good for people. These two can coexist at the same time. Some people think, "You can't do good and make money," but you absolutely can. They coexist together.
I've got four other partners and we're merely so like-minded in wanting to do good for other people. I kid you not, that's where the magic happens. Their strength is your weakness. There is this beautiful, magical orchestra that takes place. We've been together for a few years and we've already closed 26 apartment buildings. We care for 1,653 families now. There is no way I've done it on my own. I'm not a one-man show, but when you link up with incredible people who are strategic and synergistic, and you think alike and your goals and your admissions are on the same page, you can make a difference in this world. That's truly what has happened.
Tell us about the impact that you guys are having. Your group is also helping others to learn how to do what you're doing. Do I have that correct?
We're not educators. There's a group that we will send our people that reach out to us and want to get educated, but we always tell people this, "If you're interested in this space, it's always best to come in, vet the team, go to the website, and learn about the team.” You can find us at Quattro Way. No matter what business you're a part of, whether it's any type of business and you're going to link up with partners who are the number one most important piece of the whole entire puzzle. I always encourage people to go over to our website, watch each of our 30-second videos, and see if their gut aligns with us, and who we are as a team.
From there, it's about us finding the right properties for the people that will yield great returns, and some say, "How does it work with a syndication?" To make it very clear, Renee, what do you have to do if you were to go buy a $200,000 house? You have to put 25% down. You have to put $50,000 down on this $200,000 purchase. It's the same thing for a $10 million apartment building. We have to put 25% down. Syndication is a pooling of one's money. I'd go to Camille and Camille's like, "Erin, I want to work with you." "Fantastic." She gives me $100,000 and Renee gives me $200,000. I put in $300,000. We pool the money together and buy the apartment building together.
The most beautiful part about it is that I'm helping people level up, protect, and preserve their money in this crazy wild economy where the stock market is doing this and we're doing this at steady. Why? Look at what's happening to the rents. Our rents are going up. When the rents go up, the value of the apartment goes up. It's a very safe way to protect, preserve, and grow your money. That's what we're doing for our investors. We have $153 million in assets under management with our company right now, and on a mission to continue to grow and help others.
What I was getting to when those individuals come in and say, "How can we do what you do?" it's possible, but I highly recommend jumping in as an investor first. Learn about the team, see what it's like, get your quarterly financial updates from us, get your distributions, feel comfortable, get excited about the space, and then absolutely dig in and we can connect those two educational programs where you can do what we're doing. It takes a team. It's not a one-man show.
Ms. Camille does it very well in the single-family space, whereas I've had previously. It's absolutely doable as a one-man show. For multifamily, you're going to want strategic partners. I'll add one more thing to that. You get to a place in life, ladies, and have done it all, highs, lows, and all of it, and right now, I'm in this place in my life where I want to do, what I want to do, when I want to do it with who I want to do it, where I'm going to do it, and how much money I can make and what money I make. That's freedom at its finest.
With Quattro Capital, I am in the Investor Relations and Director of Investor Relations. What am I doing? I'm in front of people all day long talking, finding out their goals, needs, desires, and how I can help them level up. What surprises them the most when I get on calls with them is that I'm not asking for their money. I could care less. I hope you guys read and understand this clearly. In my space, I'm constantly raising money, $11 million, $20 million, or whatever that amount may be. If I could share anything with you, it would be that don't make it about the ask. Many people will call me and say, "Erin, how do you raise $20 million in 4 1/2 weeks? This is crazy."
If we focus and make it about the other person in business, "What do they need? How can we help them get there?" You become magnetic. People become attracted to you. They want to play in your circle. They want a piece of whatever it is that you're doing. I don't even have to ask for money. They will say, "Is there waiting for me to get in? Can I put $300,000 or $1 million?" Whatever it may be.
The net of it is this. There is so much money out there. Looking to work with great people and for them to feel confident that they know, like, and trust you. If you've got that three-factor prong, it's a done deal. Whatever business you are in, you will be incredibly successful. If you make it first out to the other person and not about what you're out on a mission to do, "Go find the money.” It's not about the money.
The most attractive thing is that if people see that you are doing great work and providing an excellent product, trust the information or content you're providing, and see historically what you've done in the past. As a passive investor myself, I totally appreciate when the group that I'm investing with is as transparent as possible. That gives me some indication of what I'm dealing with. This may be a different subject. You mentioned seed duplication. Can you define that for us and tell us what you mean when you say seed duplication?
I like to make it as layman's terms as possible and I'll use my five kids. For example, two of my kids each have a little Airbnb, one is 15 and one is 17. Too much in this world now is just handouts to these kids left and right versus teaching them hard work. For my husband and I, the best way to do that was to have them each have their own Airbnb. They have conversations with the guests. They earn 50% of whatever that Airbnb pushes off. It's on a debit card. The other 50% is for duplication. 50% of that goes to their debit card. They use that debit card to buy their school clothes, Amazon, DoorDash, etc.
Mom does not give out money. They've got to go to work for it. They've got to go earn it. Why do we tell them that they have to put the other 50% in their savings account? It's because when they have money or anybody for that matter, we don't tell our money where to go. Our money is going to tell us where to go. We call it their house, "Cash in the trash."
Is that money that you have going to duplicate and grow? When we talk about seed duplication, that 50% that goes into their asset account, we call it an asset account because we're building and growing it so that when it gets to be enough, we can go buy another container home for them to have as there Airbnb and they can duplicate their money that's coming in. Seed duplication is taking your money, making it grow, being wise and smart about your money. When the money comes in, you have your income, and expenses, and the rest is called discretionary income.

How are you going to piece out that discretionary income? For us, our kids know. The discretionary income that comes in for a mom's pay, anything that she makes, all goes into assets. Buying more property, land, apartments, etc. We want to duplicate that seed money. For example, with Quattro Capital, we can do that every five years. You put in $200,000. You're going to walk out after five years with $400,000. I feel pretty confident saying that, but that is what seed duplication is.
I'm glad I asked that question.
It's great. It's so amazing.
I have two children who are adults. Camille has four children. We're both thinking, "We got to get an Airbnb for each of them."
It's tough because my kids, we give them an allowance, so they can learn how to do this. I'm trying to figure out jobs to put them on, but I'm like, "I should have my kids help me do this and that." I love that she's got this funnel already.
It's too important in this day and age. I feel like we're raising these spoiled kids with their iPhones and they're down and their phones all the time. Believe me, I am super flawed. With kids, they're super entitled. When my daughter turned sixteen, she wanted a car. A lot of the kids around here, it's their 16th birthday, and they get a car. In our house, that's not quite how it works. My daughter was pleading her case about how she needed a car. My husband said, "Give us a presentation." She went and put on a little PowerPoint together and put her plan together.
"My payment's going to be $300 a month. I know you guys said that you would pay for a portion of it. On mine, I've got to work 4 days a week for 4 hours a day." It was all in a spreadsheet. She said, "Mom's agreed to let me work with her." It was a matter of her working at the pool or her working in mom's office. I want to teach my kids and give it and pass on all the goodness that I know. Sometimes it's hard for kids to even give a rip and want to know what you do or even care because they're so used to it. It's taken for granted.
We finally got her to that place where she's going to work for four hours a week in mama's office during this full summer so that she could pay for a portion of her car herself. Do I want to buy her a car and do that? I do, but it's not the best thing for us to do. We're totally creating a monster. I've got to go to my house and hone it in at times. We do the best we can, but it is hard being a mom and balancing what is right and what we should not type of thing.
My daughter and my son are going to Italy in the summer. They need cash to get around while they're there. Since my daughter's been in college, she's spent a lot of her money on her supplies and personal things, which was our agreement. She'd have a little job while she was at college and she spent her own money, which she's doing. For this trip to Italy, my husband and I are going to give her pocket change to walk around with, which is $800.
She's like, "I got to go get my hair and nails done and do all this stuff." I said, "Who's paying for that?" She said, "I am." I said, "If you're paying for hair and nails, why are we giving you the $800 if you have money? Why am I footing the bill for stuff?" She's looking at me and I said, "All I hear is I'm spoiled and entitled." Her argument was, "Why wouldn't you still give me the money?" She did not get it. You are so right, Erin. As parents, we want to do all these things. We have to dole out.
It's what the rest of the world is doing. The other big thing, too, is my whole goal, in addition, is to teach people how to have multiple streams of income. The more streams of income we have, the more confident we're going to feel living forward in this world because, God forbid, if something happens to one, we all felt it like the pandemic that occurred, it's going to help set others up so that they don't ever find themselves in the place that a lot of families found themselves in.
Having multiple income streams makes you more confident in moving forward in this world.
Having conversations with my kids, one of them wants to do vending machines in a few different places where we live. It's about multiple streams of income and the same thing with adults. Camille and I were having this conversation. Being licensed financial professionals, we're big on creating something called a family bank. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the family bank, Renee, but it's pretty powerful. I teach others how to create their own family bank and also how to earn in the multifamily space.
I would love for your readers to read this because it's pretty powerful in regards to this whole family bank. When one goes to put their money, let's call it in Wells Fargo. Renee, I'll play the game with you because I've already done it with Camille. How much are you yielding when you put $100,000 in the bank at Wells Fargo right now?
It's almost nothing, pennies.
That's 0.25%. I'm going to share with you what happens when you put your money in Wells Fargo. They're going to do two things. They're going to take $25,000 of that money and they're going to go lend it out to Bob at 20%. That's what they do. The other $75,000, they're going to take it and they're going to go put it with a mutual company. They're going to earn a nice good conservative low return, but this is the important part.
When you go to put your money in the bank, for every $1 that you put in, they can go lend out $10. With the mutual company, which is the conservative where they put that other $75,000, for every $1 that you put in, the mutual company has to have $10. When the pandemic happens, Renee, which one is more likely to fail? Is it the bank or is it the mutual company?
The mutual company. The bank is overextending.
We all felt that when the pandemic happened. We saw banks closing left and right. I come back to Camille. I say, "Camille, with your money, do you want to put it in the bank, or do you want to put it your money where the banks put their money to protect it." We want to put it with the mutual company because we know it's going to be the safest. I get out there and I help others. I teach them how they can earn from two different income streams in the apartment building and how they can become their own bank and I show them how to optimize.
What does that do for our people? It gives them confidence because they no longer have one stream of income. They now have two. Could you imagine when an individual has 3 or 4? It gives confidence to our people and lets them reach for the stars even more. It helps them decline the rungs of the ladder one at a time because now they sell more bold and more confident. They can step up, get resourceful, get new relationships and seek out how to navigate in this world feeling much freer and not like, "What happens if I lose my job?" Our goal is to have a couple of different income streams so that we can make it in this world and win at the same time.

We want to thank you for being on the show. We also want to connect people with you if they're interested in investing or finding out more. Can you tell us what is your website?
It's www.TheQuattroWay.com or you can certainly find me on social media, LinkedIn and for Facebook, Erin Christiansen Hudson. I would love to connect with you, but either way, for those that are reading, I want to help you win. You can even feel free to shoot me a text. I'm going to give out my number. I've never done this before, but I'm feeling it, so I'm going to do it. It's (949) 510-3351. I would love to send you my calendar link. I'm happy to get on a fifteen-minute consult with you and find out how it can help you lube your needle.
We love you so much. Thank you so much, Erin. This has been a phenomenal call. There are so much learning and education. For me, I'm learning. For the readers, it's so very helpful. Camille was absolutely right. Cami, you hit it up with this one.
I want to take her in my back pocket and take her around with me everywhere. This woman can explain it. I love it.
I'm happy to come back on and dig in further on one of those topics because we covered a lot of them. You can find out what your readers want more of and let's bring it.
Let's do it.
Erin, thank you so much. We appreciate you.
You're so welcome.
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About Erin Hudson

My path into real estate started with my business coach demanding I stop doing the $10-hour jobs in my wellness center and stick to being the doctor that treats patients. That was when I learned to delegate like nobody’s business. What was even better, was the new schedule allowed me to dive into the real estate space where I was genuinely intrigued.Over the next two years my husband, Drew, and I acquired 26 rental properties. Mid way through our portfolio expansion, we created a turnkey company with Hudson Investments.
We were able to help friends and family purchase investment properties though they never in their wildest dreams thought it could be possible. Within three years we had transacted over 230 acquisitions and dispositions just in our warm market. I am a proud mom to five beautiful children and a wife to one incredibly handsome husband. My love is being with the family in the outdoors, snowboarding, wake surfing, exploring nature, traveling the world and giving back to the less fortunate. I have run 16 full marathons around the world. Put a challenge in front of me and that is where I thrive.