Most people think of retirement as an age, rather than an event that can take place at any time. Today host Renee Williams and KW MAPS Coach, Chris Lengquist dive deep into ways real estate professionals can exit production with passive income sooner, rather than later.
Mentioned in this episode:
Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
Mo Anderson, Co-Founder & Vice Chairman Keller Williams Realty
Gary Keller, Co-Founder & Chairman Keller Williams Realty
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Real Estate Agent Retirement At Any Age With Chris Lengquist
We have with us a very special guest. His name is Chris Lengquist, and Chris is a KW MAPS Coach. Everybody with Keller Williams will be familiar with this concept, but if you are not with Keller Williams, please stay with me. You are going to want to hear the information that Chris shares. It is also super important that you stay all the way until the end of the episode because Chris actually does a coaching session with me, very impromptu but great information that he shared with me. I hope that you and the audience can glean some encouragement and some great information from that coaching he did with me as well. Let's learn a little bit more about Chris and his bio.
Chris Lengquist is the broker and Owner at AD Astra Realty. Chris was licensed in Oklahoma in 2002 and in Kansas and Missouri in 2004. Since the beginning, Chris has had an emphasis on working with real estate investors to maximize their real estate investments through selective acquisition, great property management, and knowing when to sell or exchange, which is hugely important.
Chris works with traditional buyers and sellers as well but he definitely gets his kicks out of helping people to build a retirement worth having, which is what we all want. We're going to get into a great conversation with Chris. Be sure to stay until the end for the outtakes and his coaching session with me. Here we go. Let's start with Chris now.
With us is Chris Lengquist. He is Owner and broker at AD Astra Realty. He’s the Owner and coach of Chris Lengquist Coaching, and is affiliated with MAPS Coaching. He's an investor with Keller Williams Realty Diamond Partners, Inc. and is a real estate investor. Welcome to the show, Chris.
Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate that.
Thanks for being on with us. Tell us a little bit about you, how you started, and how you landed in coaching and real estate investing.
The Reader's Digest version is I grew up in Kansas City. My wife and I got married and went off to Vegas, Cupid’s Wedding Chapel if anybody else's got married there. We went to DC and spent fifteen years there. We had a child and we’re always broke, and then we decided, “Let's move back to the Midwest but not too close to either side of parents.” That's a whole story in itself.
We went to Tulsa. When I got to Tulsa, I quickly figured out that my profession of photography was not going to pay the bills. Everybody went to Walmart for pictures, not custom pictures and sports pictures. I said, “I've been taking pictures for realtors. I could do what they do. They don't seem that much sharper than me.” The ego won on me at the time. I went and got my real estate license in 2002 with a small brokerage called Scott Douglas Realty.
That Memorial Day weekend, I was sitting in an open house while the neighbor mowed the lawn. I wasn't a full suit and tie but I had gotten my business started. That's how I got started. In 2004, my mom was going through breast cancer for the third time, so we moved back to Kansas City. In Oklahoma, we had another baby and adopted too.
When I got to Kansas City, I hung my license with Keller Williams Realty. With Keller Williams, I've been on the ALCs several or many times. I was a team leader of some success there for a while in Olathe, and then they asked me to be a MAPS coach. That's how I got into coaching. Here it is, many years later, I'm in real estate and I own a property management brokerage. We manage over 700 homes in Kansas City. The best part is I spend about 4 to 5 hours a week supervising it. That's about it.
It's a great career and a great start. What you're doing now to me is hugely interesting. When I did the research on you, I went to your website, which is ChrisLengquist.com. Going there, I saw a fantastic article that you had written about Real Estate Agent Retirement. I'm going to read one little sentence that caught my eye. It said, “Ask yourself, ‘When is the last time I went to a real estate agent retirement party?’ The answer may scare you.”
The fact that you picked up that not a lot of agents formally retire is something that I noticed in the industry as well, which is why we're both here. It seems like we both have a passion for helping real estate agents, team leaders, and brokers figure out what's next, how to exit production, and then what to do once you exit.
You have a list that you put in that article that you wrote. What I'd like to do is read the list that you have. It says, “Here are the options for you to consider in retirement, traditional or Roth IRA, health savings account, solo 401(k), rental property, equity in your own brokerage or income later through referral fees.” Can you tell us more about how and why you picked these items?
First of all, there's a lot more that you could pick from. There are all sorts of things you could be doing. I'm not saying that it's limited to these. All I'm trying to get people to do is start thinking about what does retirement looks like. One of the crazy things and I used to do this as well until I coached, ask me the question, “When will you stop thinking about retirement as an age and start thinking about it as an event?”
For instance, when I ask most people when they want to retire, they'll say 65, 70, 55, 40. It's always a number that ends at a five. It's crazy. What I began to ask is, “Let me ask you this. When will college be paid for your youngest kid? What if you had enough money, income, and diversity in your assets that you could retire then? How old would you be would be?” “I would be 51.” “Why do we have to wait until 60?” Think about retirement as event.
Having at least 3 legs on a stool, 4 is better, and 5 is great. I don't know how many more you need behind that. The first leg is always going to be Social Security. People say that Social Security may not be there. There wouldn't be a Civil War in this country if they stopped Social Security. They'll raise the taxes on the young, on the rich, and on the middle class, where all the money is anyway. They’re not getting rid of Social Security. That's one leg of the stool. What are you going to do about the rest of it?
I'm passionate about real estate retirement. I'm passionate about real estate agents and their money, to begin with. As a team leader for three and a half years, I watched somebody come in, left a job, and making more in real estate on their 1st or 2nd year than they've ever made. They go out and they buy a $70,000 truck, an SUV or something like that. I start banging my head on the desk because they haven't listened to anything that we've talked about.
First of all, I'm hoping that a sheriff isn't coming in saying that they haven't paid their taxes and now we've got to garnish them out of their next commission checks. Have they taken care of their taxes first? Have they proved that they can make that money the second time? Have they started living on less than their earnings so that they can have a retirement? I'm not even sure where I'm going with this. I can get all worked up about agent finances and making sure that they have their money coming in smartly. When did you get licensed?
I got licensed first in 2012 because I was an investor. I wasn't selling property. I had a full-time corporate job. My husband and I wanted to buy some real estate. I didn't want to have to ask an agent to show me every time. I thought, “I'll get a license so we can buy our own stuff.” First, I signed up with KW because I thought I wanted to work with clients. I then realized, “I'm going to keep my corporate job.” I went with an Indie broker who charged $199 per closing, no training, no help, nothing.
Stop thinking about retirement as an age and start thinking about it as an event.
You get what you pay for.
I figured out how to negotiate contracts. We figured out how to work through repairs. We figured out how to get through the closing process. We bought several properties over the last several years.
My biggest fear as an agent, as somebody who's been in leadership and still is, and as a coach, is that you started your real estate career when the rebound began to happen from The Great Recession.
I was a loan officer from 2004 through 2008. I was selling those subprime loans. I then decided to get the license after. That’s right when the rebound was happening.
You're one of the people that I turned around. I was making great money in 2006. I was making even more money in 2007. I was making even more money in 2008 and 2009. I had a 31% reduction in my income. The only thing that saved me is I wasn't living over my means. I was sitting and watching friends and associates disappear. They all had to go back and find jobs. I remember looking at CareerBuilder. Remember CareerBuilder going on there?
I'm a college dropout. I've been self-employed most of my life. Nobody wanted to hire me for the hours I wanted to hire at the multiple six figures that I was used to making. What else was I going to do? I had to figure this out. When I watch agents set themselves up for that, there's no room for a burp in the business. We're on the longest economic expansion in American history except for that month's COVID thing and still going on. If you throw out because of COVID, we would still be on the longest economic expansion.
I was coaching in a market in Florida where the appreciation is 21%. You have agents down there all over the place thinking they're making 20% more money and that they're doing 20% better. If you look at their units, they're flat. They're riding the market, which is okay. Take the money. “What if something happens?” That's the real question.
During these great times, if you're not putting money away for retirement, start with an IRA. Somehow, figure out $500 a month and put that away. That's not even a truck payment nowadays from what I hear. I don't do payments anymore. Put $500 away in an IRA and get started somewhere now. We can then start talking about rental properties and other ways to make money. We can start talking about how to refer when you retire. There's a great book called The Golden Handoff. I've heard you refer to it before on this show.
Yes. Nick Krautter was on the show. He was episode number 4.

I remember listening to that going down I-35 to our little cabin down there. Figure out how to manage your money now so that your money will take care of you later. If there's anything I'm passionate about, that's it right there.
Can you tell me about your property? You're an investor. What are you doing property-wise? Are there certain types of properties that are the best fit for agents if they want to have passive income later?
That comes down to a one-on-one conversation about what the goals are and what your age is. When I'm sitting down with somebody who's 23, 24 years old and they're buying their first house, that conversation is going to look a lot different than the typical 55-year-old engineer that comes to me. The 23 to 25-year-old, I'm going to like, “Why don't we get a duplex?”
We'll keep buying duplexes every two years until the mortgage company screams or you get married and your spouse screams. You go buy a single-family home. You've got 2, 3, 4 investment duplexes by the time you're 30, 31, 32 years old. That's what my son and his wife had been doing, they bought a house with the idea they’d run it. They're in their second home. They've already got a rental property. They're way ahead of the game than I was.
If somebody comes to me at 55, I'm going to be talking a lot more about, “Are we looking for cashflow? Are we looking for appreciation?” There are many variables that go into that. I go into a lot of them on that one blog I do, KCInvestmentProperty.WordPress.com. You’ve got to figure out what your goals are first, “Who do I see myself being when I retire? Who do I see myself being in the next ten years?” Work backward from there and figure out what is going to be the best for you.
For some people, they're all about cashflow, but then they don't want to fix the properties. They come up with all this deferred maintenance, and then they want to complain to me and I'm like, “Do you remember that report I send you every year that you denied the repairs on? It’s pay me now or pay me later. Now it's going to cost you more.”
You bought it for cashflow, which means it's in a neighborhood that never appreciated as much as everything else. That cashflow was your reward versus maybe buying an up-and-coming tony area where your cashflow is this much. When you go to sell it, you're going to make a whole bunch on equity. It depends on what your goal is in 5 years, 10 years and 30 years.
Let's say our audience is Gen X and Baby Boomers. We are all over 45-plus, 50-plus, that's where we are. Talking to this audience, is there a formula that we should be considering as far as our investment strategy? Is there a pie where it should be split up into certain types of vehicles that we should be considering?
I'm conservative. Some of my clients don't listen to me. They're still my clients but they're a lot more daring than I am. First of all, max out an IRA, a 401(k) or whatever you've got. That's first and foremost. As you're maxing that out, don't go out and buy a fancier car, a second home, a pontoon or whatever it is until you're putting enough money away to put 25% down on your first investment property. Get that done.
After you get your first investment property, take that cashflow and run it in a separate checking account, keep it completely separate, and let that build up. In the meantime, before you go buy a second investment property, can we make sure you're debt-free on everything except maybe your house or including your house? Keep the income going.
Right now we're on the longest economic expansion in American history, and it's still going on.
We want to max out our safe and secure items, our traditional or our Roth IRA, our solo 401(k). We want to max those out. We want to make sure that we're investing in some property, maybe a duplex, a triplex, something small.
It might be different depending on who the person is, where they live, the market and things like that.
Next is we want to knock down the debt we have, not including our primary residence but we want to make sure that we're getting rid of our consumer debt that we're paying off credit cards, paying off anything that's out there lingering. Take care of those things. Once we have those items under control, are we then ready to look at other vehicles for income like having equity in our brokerage? Is that something that we should consider? Do you consider profit share with KW? I know eXp has a revenue share. People have options.
The eXp, the Keller Williams, those profit shares, revenue shares, that's icing on a cake. You're already working, go get it. Why would you turn that down? Why would you ignore that? The profit share is part of my income but it's not one of the legs of the stool that I'm trying to depend on. It keeps adding to my fidelity account. I learned long ago, don't take the profit share and put it in your business account or your personal account. It goes into a fidelity account. Every time it reaches X, I buy another stock or another lot of mutual funds. That's how I do that.
If you're a moving and shaking agent and you have a lot of influence and a lot of reputation in your community, why wouldn't you go to your broker? Agents spend so much time talking about splits. They think this long when they should be thinking this long. Maybe your broker would be willing. Maybe your broker is at a point in their life where they're starting to look, “In 5, 10 years, I want out. Who's going to take this over?” Maybe there's a schedule you can go to.
I've even worked with team leaders in the Keller Williams system who have been able to become major investors in market centers without a single dime by putting in the sweat equity. There are ways that you can structure the acquisition of those other things. To me, those aren’t after, those are during while you're saving for your 1st or 2nd investment property.
Let's be clear, debt is a thief. I was raised by my single mom. What she taught me about money lasted for most of my young adulthood, is nothing that you can't buy now on debt for later. I owed everybody everything. I was broke. I've been in financial ruin. I've mismanaged money over and over again. My financial prowess was born out of pain.
You and me, both.
You've got to figure out how to get out of that debt, first of all. I may not agree with everything Dave Ramsey says but get out of debt. Take the program. Don't argue with it. That would be one of my things. How do you think about retirement? People go, “I got to make excellent retirement.” What are your expenses going to be? They then start listing their mortgage and their car payment. I’m like, “You don't need to make X if you didn't have all of this. Go get rid of this.”
It's so simple but it's hard to do and practice. You have to have some level of self-discipline, delayed gratification and budgeting. I sound like a broken record because these are all things that I've hated forever in my life. I've learned to appreciate the value of money because I'm getting to later where I want passive income and money that I don't have to work for every day.

I have to be able to offset or get rid of the debt because the debt is eating my lunch. You got all these payments that are going out. It's the simple formula of, “How much do I need in retirement that is in direct relation to how much debt do I have? The less debt I have, the less money I need in retirement to live comfortably and to have that passive income matter.”
Here's what's crazy, and this goes to the core of coaching and this is why I love coaching, who are you? What's important to you and the ones that you love? I see many people making decisions because they think they're supposed to. I started making some money for the first time in my life. I wasn't spending it right away and everything.
I got to a point where I had more income and money than I had ever had before in my life. I had it for a little while, so I decided to go out. I wanted to buy a Lincoln because Matthew McConaughey looks cool in the Lincoln. Lincoln says, “I'm making a certain amount of money.” Lincoln says to old White guys, “The guy is doing all right.” I went out and bought a Lincoln.
Here's the problem, two weeks later, I couldn't figure out how to put my bike on the back of the Lincoln. I didn't want to scratch the Lincoln. I didn't want to put a bike rack on it. I didn't want to put a trailer to hitch on it. I'm not a Lincoln guy. I'm running around town in shorts, T-shirts, and sandals in a Lincoln. I traded it in.
I have a Mustang Convertible and a Subaru Crosstrek. The Mustang Convertible for when it's nice outside and the Subaru Crosstrek for 98% of the rest of the time. I've got a bicycle and if I'm not working, I'm trying to figure out how to go ride a bike somewhere. Even though we know better, we do things because we think we're supposed to instead of being who we are.
We live in a home that my wife is proud of. It still isn't what people might think if they knew the whole financial history. I remember being over at our other house before we moved here and people come and they’re like, “Why do you live here?” “It’s because this is where I raise my kids.” They would be like, “I would expect you to be in a bigger and nicer house.”
“That's because you expected that. That's not what I expected. This is where we raised our family. This is where the love was, the fighting was.” What we do as realtors is help people find a place that's safe for them. When the time is right, you'll know it. Don't force it. Going back to my original point, who are you? Who do you choose to be?
Who are we trying to impress anyway? Are there other parts to our business that we should be considering when it comes to our spending and debt? Let me tell you what I mean by that. Should we be running our businesses in a way where we respect the value of money in the business? When it comes to having the right team members, the right seat on the bust, we're not wasting money there. When we're finding leads or our lead gen methods, should we be looking at our budget, our finances, the ROI so that we're not wasting money there? Are there places in our operations in our back office where we should be looking to do better money-wise?
How often do you visit your money? That's one of the questions.
Are you looking for cashflow? Are you looking for appreciation? There are just so many variables that go in rentals.
I'm not talking about Ebenezer Scrooge. How often do you visit your money? Are you running a profit and loss? Do you have a balance sheet? If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to whoever, your broker, your team leader or hire a coach and figure out how to do these things. I have a guy that works with me who earned a percentage of the business. Every quarter, we sit down and I'm teaching him, “This is a profit and loss. This is the balance sheet.” It's him, me, our accountant going through everything.
I'm not running a jobs program. Everybody on our team knows that. If you want to make more money, tell me how much you want to make. Show me how you are going to help me make enough to pay that. If you're not making enough to pay for yourself now, and that's even the admin positions, what are you taking off of my plate that I don't have to do? If you're not doing that, I'll find somebody that will. That's not being hard-ass or whatever. That's the way small business is.
On the flip side of that though, is if you're a rainmaker, a broker, a team leader or something like that, instead of figuring out how little you can pay somebody, figure out how much you can pay them. If you've got somebody on your team or your staff or whatever and if they walked out tomorrow and if they came to you and said, “Renee, I'm going to take a job over here because they're going to pay me 18% more.” If you say to yourself, “I would have paid them 18% more.” Don't wait. Be proactive. If they're helping you create your life worth living, if they're helping you create your retirement that you're going to have, make sure that they have access to the same hopes and dreams.
People made a lot of fun going back to the first George Bush when he said, “Compassionate Capitalism.” To me, that's how the country was built. The country was built with small businesses and small business owners taking care of the people that they had to look at every day, and doing good service and trade with the people that they lived next to. We have people making decisions on, “Can I get another $0.3 per share next quarter?” Don't be that. We need a fundamental return to people taking care of the people that help them succeed. It should be a symbiotic relationship and not a take relationship.
Do you have a specific specialty that you coach on?
With MAPS, I coach team leaders in the Keller Williams system. I teach them recruiting and how to understand the business numbers, the matrix, the profitability and those things. Here's the other thing I do, I help team leaders look at their personal finances and create their personal wealth with the team leader as the vehicle that doesn't. I work with agents on how to create their personal wealth.
That symbiotic relationship, if you're succeeding, who you work for should be succeeding as well. If it's put together right, that's going to happen. You might say, “Chris, I'm a 55-year-old woman and I'm a single agent.” Who are you working for? You're working for you. Take care of your money. I ignored a call from one of my first investor clients in Kansas City. This kid came to me when he was 22 years old. His father had died while he was in college. He had a small bucket of money. I sold him a property that he could rent first.
This is a side story but this is a great story. His mom stared me up and down like, “Who is this guy telling my 22-year-old kid to do this?” Years later, when I went to his wedding in Mexico, his mom was like, “Thank you for being somebody for my son.” Years later, he has 284 doors and he's worth several million. It’s because he did the formula of buying rental properties.
He got a little bit more aggressive than I would. We had a knockdown, drag-out. I'm not his dad. We had it out about how much he was extended there for a while. The point is he's worth several million now from $50,000. Going back to that 55-year-old lady, you don't have the time a 23-year-old or 22-year-old had. What are you going to do? The first thing you got to do is make sure your expenses are as close to zero as possible when you retire. Tomorrow is not promised anyway.
Chris, I wanted to make a statement to encourage our readers to say, “This is all doable.” Paying off the debt is doable. You have to come up with a system, a strategy, a plan, and you've got to stick to it. What you suggested about the Dave Ramsey thing, it's hard. Nobody's saying that it's easy but at least he provides a map that you can use to get there. There are others who provide maps for you to get out of debt.

Once you get out of debt and you start looking at some of these other options to have passive income, we refer to Nick Krautter’s book, The Golden Handoff, to get referrals or to sell your database, we refer to having rental property. This is something that is doable. We want to encourage everybody and let you know that you can live happily and decide to exit production and still have money coming in. You have the option to retire.
I heard Gary Keller say something from stage one time that I never forgot. He's right. I'm not pimping him because he's Gary Keller. He said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in five years.” I leaned over to my OP at the time, Operating Principle, the guy that hired me as team leader and I said, “I did it in three.” I went through the pain. It sounds like you did the same thing.
When I went through the pain of putting all of my debts on a piece of paper, my income goals, and then also who I wanted to be and who I chose to be, it took me three and a half years to get it done. It was painful and ugly. My four kids and my wife were all asleep, and I'm up at 11:30 at night blogging because I didn't have time to do it during the day. There might be some pain that you have to go through and that's why you need the accountability of somebody like you, somebody in your life that will hold you accountable to what you said you wanted because it's going to get rough and you're going to want to quit.
Was it worth it, Chris?
It was worth it in many ways. I love the money. I love financial security. Getting text messages from people saying, “I wanted to let you know this and that.” It's a fantastic celebration. If you watch the news, it seems like everybody's a victim of something. Who out there is helping people overcome and create their life instead of letting life happen to them? That's what you're doing with this show, which is fantastic. You're letting people dream and vision where they could be. I'm going to say to those people who are visioning now, what if? Write it down, find somebody to hold you accountable to it, and then get it.
We don't need to say anymore. I want to tell people how to reach you. What's the best way for the audience to get in touch with you? Can non-KW agents work with you as a coach?
The answer is ChrisLengquist.com. You can reach me through there. One of the things I love about blogging, and you probably find the same thing as podcasting, is you can read enough of me to decide, “I want to work with this guy or I don't want to have anything to do with this guy.” That way, we don't even have to pretend when we first get together.
Non-KW people can work with me, depending on the subject though. I'm not going to coach competing brokers. I do have an affiliation with Keller Williams. I do work with a lot of property managers. If you want to talk about a dog and pony show, property managers are running a dog and pony show a lot of times. It feels like hurricane-something is always coming ashore.
That is good to know. If we want to reach you, we're going to go to your website, www.ChrisLengquist.com. Chris, thank you so much for your time. This has been invaluable. I can't say enough about all the great information you provided.
Thank you. Keep doing the good work. This message needs to get out, especially to your audience. Make it happen.
Even though we know better, we do things because we think we're supposed to, instead of just being who we are.
Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate your time.
No worries. It’s fun to talk about real estate. What kind of feedback are you getting from your show?
Not as much as I hope. I know these operations and retirement were not super sexy topics. Everybody wants to talk about social media marketing. This is something like spinach, you needed, it makes you strong. I just started in July. I have 780 downloads so far, which in my opinion is okay but I really thought that it would be much more popular. I'm going to keep going because I love it. I love the topic.
Why do you think that it's not a sexy topic and why do you think 780 is not a bad number? You've only been doing it since July.
I know, and we live in a world of viral everything. My issue is that for me, all of my feeds, everything that I see is, “How to improve your social media, how to grow your audience online.” That's what I see. I didn't see a whole lot of operations-related stuff, which is why I thought perfect. This is a blue ocean opportunity for me and people will be drawn to it because nobody else is doing it. I don't think I'm doing bad. I just thought that there would be more of a frenzy about it but things take time.
What's your goal with the show?
The goal is to impact as many businesses as I possibly can. What I found was that there was a void in the industry for this type of information.
There always has been. I love that you want to help people. That's why you are in real estate but be selfish for a second. What's your goal with the show?
Twofold. I have to make an impact first and foremost, that's for me. Secondly, of course, I want to get sponsors. I want to grow the audience. I don't know that the show itself will make a lot of money but I definitely want to gain clients from this. The ultimate goal is to gain clients that I can work with to help them to prepare for all the stuff that we're talking about.
There you go. How many people do you really need reading?

What I need in order for me every month to get to where I need to, I need five clients a month to live, to survive. In order to have five clients a month, let's work it backward. If it's a numbers game in order to get five clients, then you've got to get in front of, let's say, 500 people so that you can put everybody through the funnel and get people to actually sign up with you. I need at least 500 people a month to read this blog so that I can get five clients a month out of it.
Are you tracking your conversions?
Yes, I am. At this point from the show, I don't have any conversions to track. I'm still getting clients the way that I was getting them before, which is through referrals. I'm trying to grow my client base is what I'm wanting to do.
Sorry for being nosy. These are questions out of curiosity. There are also questions you haven't proved to your audience or Google yet that you're still going to do this thing. You've only been doing this since July. When I started blogging, it took me probably six months before I started getting anything like a year later. Here's what's not fair. I hardly blog at all anymore on my KCInvestmentProperty.WordPress.com, my $99 a year website. I probably make six figures in referrals just from those blogs that I wrote many years ago. At the time, it looked like 30 people were reading a day. No big deal, but being out there forever is what makes you all the money. I don't make any money on that website. I make money on the deals.
I know it. For me, it has been tough, like mentally, financially I'm between clients now. I have one client now. You go through these peaks and valleys, just like you do with any entrepreneur. You get this schizophrenia bipolar. It's great and then it's not. When I have more clients, I'll be like, “Yes.” It's all part of it. I’m good.
Don't get weary in well-doing, and more people need to be talking about real estate, retirement and, especially women or whatever. I see it in my daughter and the women I coach, one of the common themes is a lack of confidence. I'm fascinated by that. What are we doing to our women in this country? Men seldom confidence isn’t the problem or at least that they'll never say it's a problem but what do we do to create that confidence is what we're going to be asking ourselves.
I love that you said that. I had a thought, “Do I need to add something to what I'm already doing?” I don't want to like you said, grow weary in doing good but I do know that we do need confidence as women. Since my show is women-focused, should I add a dose of encouragement or a dose of something positive to go with all the operations and retirement stuff that I'm talking about? Some platitudes at the end or something that I can say just to encourage people because I'm naturally an encourager but I don't know that's coming across unless I'm saying something specific to help with confidence and encouragement.
Do you know who Moe Anderson is?
Make sure your expenses are as close to zero as possible when you retire, because tomorrow is not promised.
Moe Anderson always told people, “How do you know somebody needs encouragement?” They’re breathing. Offer that encouragement. I get very frustrated and excited sometimes. When we think about old American, the 1950s America, that was 70 years ago now, but that's less than three generations. We've gone through a sea change. In some ways, we've come this far and, in some ways, we've come this far.
I can remember going into a dealership with my mom to buy a car, a single mother, and nobody would want to talk to her because her husband wasn't there. That was a blink of an eye it goes. The fact that I perceive that I recognize a common trait in a lot of the women who aren't hitting their goals, it comes down to confidence. I'm like, “What is it we're doing to destroy confidence instead of build confidence?”
This was worth the cost of admission. We can wrap it up now because that's what I came to hear. Thank you.
I don't even know we're starting it. I was just talking to you about your show because I’m really curious.
This is helpful for me. What's such a blessing is talking to coaches and I've only interviewed one other person who's a coach. What's such a blessing is that it just oozes from you, from your pores. You're going to go in with the mindset of a person who coaches others and who wants to see them do well. I thank you for that. I really appreciate it. I needed the pep talk. I did.
Keep going.
Thank you so much.
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About Chris Lengquist

Chris was licensed in Oklahoma in 2002, Kansas and Missouri in 2004. Since the beginning, Chris has had an emphasis on working with real estate investors to maximize their real estate investments through selective acquisition, great property management and know when to sell or exchange. Chris works with "traditional" buyers and sellers as well. But he definitely gets his kicks out of helping people to build a "retirement worth having".
- KW MAPS Leadership Coach
- Team Leader, Keller Williams Realty, Diamond Partners, Inc since November 2015 thru April 2020
- Owner/Broker Ad Astra Realty, Inc since December 2014 (current)
- Agent Leadership Council, Keller Williams Realty, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2013